Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.



This plugin allows you to monetize your WordPress-managed website using any of the Adless subscription networks, including easy usage and customization of the Adless-provided paywall.

Documentation is available at adless.net/get-started/wordpress.

This plugin relies on the JavaScript client delivered by Adless, which in this context is a 3rd party service. The client is covered by the Adless Terms of Service which include the Adless Privacy Policy.


Please report issues and feature requests on the GitHub issue tracker.


  • Adless takes care of everything you need, including paywalling and selling subscriptions. Use the default layout or customize the paywall to your liking using a simple editor.


No questions raised about this plugin yet! Please contact us on the GitHub issue tracker or support@adless.net if you have any questions and we will answer the common ones here over time.

Visit adless.net/faq for general FAQs about Adless.


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“Adless” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


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