Šis spraudnis ir slēgts no 7 marts, 2024 un nav pieejams lejupielādei. Iemesls: Drošības jautājums.
31 jūlijs, 2019
I was having troubles with Google to accept my ads.txt file that I created in my website so I decided to install this plugin(and delete ads.txt that I created) and now everything works just fine!. Thanks!
Also, it currently works with the Version 5.2.2..so don’t be afraid to try it out!.
9 jūnijs, 2019
Although I made ads.txt and set on my site root, Google didn’t verify my ads.txt.
I troubled to set ads.txt on my site root.
This plugin solved this problem.
It is easy to use. I recommend this plugin for you.
25 aprīlis, 2019
Tnaky you
12 februāris, 2018
Like many niche sites we do a lot of ad sales programatically via SSPs and ad exchanges. We need to have ads.txt running on the site now – as Google (DBM), other DSPs and ad nets are not going to buy from us unless we list our authorised ad sellers in an ads.txt file.
This changes very frequently. Ads.txt Admin allows the team to edit from the dashboard – and has built in functions to stop us making common mistakes when entering vendor details. Believe it or not this can cost you money.
This seems the easiest to use of all the ads.txt solutions I have seen so far – and the dev team are telling us they will update the plugin when the next iteration of ads.txt arrives.
Easy to use – and does the job.
Autori un izstrādātāji
“Ads.txt Admin” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
LīdzdalībniekiTulkot “Ads.txt Admin” savā valodā.
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