Advanced Product search for woocommerce – powerful instant search plugin for WooCommerce.You just got to install and simply begin typewriting and you’ll instantly see the product list that you simply search.
It create a simple search box that shows you live search results, by suggesting you product from your WooCommerce shop that match your search out criteria.
Nav nepieciešamas kodēšanas/programmēšanas zināšanas, lai veiktu jebkāda veida meklēšanu produktu meklēšanai.
Download, install and victimisation the plugin is simple and fun, you’ll be able to produce, customise and build the attractive search forms for your product search and may place it on any of the page or in elementor ,visual composer, kingcomposer, widget .
Spraudnim ir neierobežota krāsu palete, lai tā atbilstu jūsu tēmai.
Features provided with this plugin:
* Products search – Search across all your WooCommerce products
* Widget and shortcodes to show your WooCommerce searchform in anywhere you want in your WooCommerce site..
* Search in – Search in product title, content, excerpt, categories, tags and sku. Or just in some of them
* Product image – Each search result contains product image
* Works for both simple and variable products.
* Filter by Ascending and Descending
* Enable or disable searches by product category and tag.
* you can preview of advanced searcher option as per your setting.
* you can apply custom CSS for advanced searcher option.
Premium Features:
* Widget, elementor, visual composer, kingcomposer and shortcodes to show your WooCommerce searchform in anywhere you want in your WooCommerce site..
* Advanced settings page with lot of options
* Unlimited color schemes
* Visibility/stock status option – choose what catalog visibility and stock status must be for product to displayed in search results
* Add to cart button in search results
* Search in WooCommerce product excerpt
* Search in WooCommerce product content
* Search in WooCommerce product categories
* Search in WooCommerce product tags
* An awesome feature that your competitors may not have.
the plugins tested or theme compatibility with Hello Elementor, OceanWP, Hestia, Storefront, Astra. Avada, BeTheme, The7, Flatsome, Enfold, shopstore | The Theme, Shoper , WoodMart and may more ….
Automātiska uzstādīšana
Instalējiet Woo izvērsto produktu meklēšanu tāpat kā jebkuru citu WordPress spraudni.
[Installing Plugins] (https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins)
Vai šis spraudnis darbosies ar manu motīvu/dizainu?
Jā, tas darbosies ar jebkuru motīvu, taču var būt nepieciešama dažu stilu izmaiņa, lai tas labi saskanētu.
Autori un izstrādātāji
“Izvērstā WooCommerce produktu meklēšana” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
Līdzdalībnieki“Izvērstā WooCommerce produktu meklēšana” ir tulkots lokalizācijās 5. Paldies tulkotājiem par ieguldījumu.
Tulkot “Izvērstā WooCommerce produktu meklēšana” savā valodā.
Vai jūs interesē attīstība?
Pārlūkojiet kodu, apmeklējiet SVN krātuvi vai abonējiet attīstības žurnālu, ko izveidojis RSS.
Izmaiņu žurnāls
- add strip_tags tag for content
- Profesionālās versijas saite atjauniāta.
- Sākotnējā izlaišana.