Are you a retail business, restaurant or B2B business wanting to track and monitor key financial data on orders to understand overall cost of the goods, profit, profit margin and markup on orders. Now easily add cost of good values on simple and variable products. Orders will automatically calculate total cost, profit, profit margin and markup on the order details. The key financial data will allow you to optimize product pricing, product sales and inventory management.
Main features:
- Add cost of goods values on simple and variable products
- Order meta box reporting with important financial information
- Cost settings to optimize data calculations
- Apply cost to legacy orders and override existing values
- Compatible with BizSwoop Point of Sale POS for WooCommerce, View POS
Explore other BizSwoop Plugins Available on WordPress.org
- View Now BizSwoop Plugins
- Upload Cost of Goods to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
- Now select WooCommerce, Settings, Product and select Cost of Goods. Update settings
- Add Cost of Good values on simple and variable products
- If you have any issues contact. https://bizswoop.com/support/
Autori un izstrādātāji
“Cost of Goods Manager for WooCommerce” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
LīdzdalībniekiTulkot “Cost of Goods Manager for WooCommerce” savā valodā.
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Izmaiņu žurnāls
* WC tested up to 5.5.2
* WP tested up to 5.8.0
* Fix for comma decimal values, thanks @marcelovivone for reporting
* WC tested up to 5.0.0
* WP tested up to 5.6.1
* Other misc bug fixes and performance improvements
* WC tested up to 4.0.0
* WP tested up to 5.6.0
* Other misc bug fixes and performance improvements
* WC tested up to 4.7.1
* WP tested up to 5.5.3
* Other misc bug fixes and performance improvements
* WC tested up to 4.5.2
* WP tested up to 5.5.1
* Other misc bug fixes and performance improvements
* WC tested up to 4.4.1
* WP tested up to 5.5
* Other misc bug fixes and performance improvements
* WC tested up to 4.3.0
* Other misc bug fixes and performance improvements
* WC tested up to 4.2
* Other misc bug fixes and performance improvements
* First version released for Cost of Goods Manager for WooCommerce.