Add a nice clean crypto exchange to your wordpress site by simply installing this plugin and using the shortcode wherever you would like to insert token trading features.
This is plugin is based on the TOTLE widget and TOTLE API so it automatically routes trades to the decentralized exchange that gets you the best current prices. It also means that it is already integrated with metamask, brave and all the rest of the most popular web3 wallets and works great on mobile inside the trust wallet app, coinbase wallet, opera, etc…
As mentioned above, this plugin is powered by TOTLE and all services and trades routed through this plugin use TOTLE:
- More info about TOTLE: https://totle.com
- See the TOTLE Provacy policy here: https://www.totle.com/totle-privacy-policy
- See TOTLE Terms of Use here: https://www.totle.com/totle-terms-of-service
This plugin was made by Alon Goren (me). He is (I am) an investor in TOTLE and other radical blockchain startups through my fund, Draper Goren Holm: https://drapergorenholm.com
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
- Type the shortcode [wpdex] into and post or page, and that’s it!
- Does this work on mobile?
Yes, works great on mobile. Try it in your Opera browser, Coinbase Wallet, Trust Wallet or any other web3 enabled apps.
- Can you trade Bitcoin using this?
You can trade wBTC, which is wrapped bitcoin on the ethereum network and we are looking into ways of trading bitcoin/BTC directly. There are a bunch of other BTC projects being built on Ethereum to support this, but we’re also working on other integrations for the future.
- Can you add crypto with dollars, euros, yen or pound?
No, there is no way to add crypto to your wallet via fiat money through this plugin. This plugin integrates with all the most popular 3rd party wallets and many of them have options. It does enable trading using the most popular stablecoins like DAI, USDC, TUSD, GUSD though.
- Can you trade Ethereum using this?
YES. You can trade ethereum and almost all ethereum based assets (ERC-20 tokens) using this plugin.
- Can I charge fees?
Yes you can AND you can set your own fees. In the admin section you can paste in your Totle Partner Contract address to do so. If you don’t know what that is, don’t worry, I’ve included a tutorial link in the admin section.
Autori un izstrādātāji
“Cryptocurrency Exchange” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
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Izmaiņu žurnāls
- Added an icon settings section in the dashboard and lsettings link from main plugin section.
- Added more information to Admin Section.
- Fixed small bugs.
- Added an admin section.
- Added the ability to charge fees by inputing your Totle Partner Contract Address into the Admin section.