Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

Digital Humans


UNITH Digital Humans are AI-powered, lifelike virtual avatars designed to interact with your website visitors in a natural and engaging manner. You can use this plugin to add a UNITH Digital Human to your website. To create your Digital Human and obtain API credentials needed by this plugin, you will need to sign-up for an account at www.unith.ai

This plugin provides a service, it will enable you to add a UNITH Digital Human to your website in a form of an iframe. Please refer to relevant Terms of Use and Privacy Policy related to UNITH Digital Human service.

Terms and Conditions: https://www.unith.ai/information/terms-conditions
Privacy policy: https://www.unith.ai/information/privacy-policy

After creating your account at go to www.unith.ai you will be able to create your custom Digital Human. You can choose avatar and voice for your Digital Human as well as upload knowledge base that your Digital Human will be knowledgeable about. Once created, your will need to obtain API credentials to connect your custom-made Digital Human and your WordPress website on the plugin settings page. To do this, copy the following 3 API credentials relating to your Digital Human from the UNITH customer panel:


Enter the above values on the Digital Human plugin settings page and save the settings. This will connect your custom-made Digital Human with the plugin and enable it to display on your website.

UNITH Digital Humans can be used for some of the following use cases:
*Onboard, support, and educate consumers
*Recommend and upsell products
*Handle customer complaints
*Provide more personal, entertaining user experiences
*Capture valuable user insights through targeted conversation
*Define your own use case when uploading knowledge data to your digital human during set up process at www.unith.ai

This plugin interacts with the following servers to provide the Digital Human functionality:


  • Registration process at www.unith.ai
  • Creation and configuration of the Digital Human at www.unith.ai
  • Digital Human as appearing on a website
  • Plugin admin dashboard with basic Digital Human configuration
  • Plugin admin dashboard with advanced Digital Human configuration


Do I need to register with UNITH before adding Digital Human on my website?

Yes, you will need to register with UNITH at www.unith.ai and create your Digital Human to obtain keys necessary for your Digital Human configuration on your website.

Can I change the Digital Human avatar and voice?

Yes, when creating a Digital Human at www.unith.ai you can choose among different available avatars and voices to personalize your Digital Human.

What languages are supported?

You can choose among more than 60 different languages when creating your Digital Human. The language selection is part of the Digital Human creation process at www.unith.ai

Will my Digital Human plug-in worked without prior registering at www.unith.ai?

No, Digital Human will not work unless you first register at www.unith.ai and obtain API credentials necessary for the plugin-configuration.

Can I expose my website data, such as product information, customer or order information to my Digital Human in order to better assist my customers?

Yes, this is possible as an advanced feature. Please contact info@unith.ai to get started.


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“Digital Humans” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


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Izmaiņu žurnāls


  • First Release.