This plugin will add a recent comments widget for Disqus, to your WordPress site. The widget will not impact your site loading time, as all the queries made to the
Disqus Servers. The main features of the widget include:
– control avatar size.
– use circular avatars.
– control comment excerpt length.
– hide avatars
– hide comments made by moderators.
– control the number of comments.
– the widget will adapt to the parent style of most themes.
View the plugin website (http://worldanimeclub.com/blog/2014/06/03/disqus-recent-comments-widget-advanced/)
- Upload the plugin to your ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory, or download and install automatically through your admin panel.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Navigate to “Appearance->Widgets” in your admin panel and add the widget to your side bar.
- After the addition, make sure you enter your Disqus site id inside the widget panel.
- That is it, you are ready to. The remaining parameters like avatar size, excerpt length can also be tweaked via the widget panel.
- The widget is appearing weird in my website
Please make sure that the plugin folder has 777 or 775 permissions. If the permissions are not correct then the plugin will not be able to read the necessary css script.
- How you created this?
I made use of Disqus’ original “recent comment” script and guidelines provided by the WordPress codex.
Par šo spraudni nav atsauksmju.
Autori un izstrādātāji
“Disqus Recent Comments Widget Advanced” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
LīdzdalībniekiTulkot “Disqus Recent Comments Widget Advanced” savā valodā.
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