On our site we use Easy Digital Downloads. Once an EDD download (e-commerce product) definition has been created it is usually supported by
other posts that provide additional information – help or tutorial information for example. Ideally, these posts will have a similar style,
use similar words and need to reference the same core information about the download such a the current version number, the slug, the excerpt, etc..
One way is to cut-and-past information from a download in to each post. But this means that when download details change, its essential to
remember to update any related posts. This plugin provides another way: a set of plugins that allow you to reference details from a download
and in this way remove the need to update related posts.
Select the linked post using a meta-box dropdown from with in the post definition
Over 40 shortcode to access post information
Short-codes to access post field values and to access post meta values
Access any post meta value by meta key
Install the plugin in the normal way then select the ‘Responsive Thickbox option from the Tools menu added.
- Installation Instructions
Install the plugin in the normal way then select the ‘Responsive Thickbox option from the Tools menu added.
- Q. Does the plugin only allow links to EDD downloads? What about WooCommerce?
A. You are able to link to any other post. The plugin dropdown selects EDD downloads by default but you can change this by implementing a filter called ‘dpp-link-post-type’.
- Q. Give me an example of a post field short-code
A. [except] or [author]. All the other fields are available.
- Q. What about meta value
A. [thumbmail] This will return an ‘img’ with the post’s thumbnail url as the source.
Par šo spraudni nav atsauksmju.
Autori un izstrādātāji
“Download-Post/Page Link” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
LīdzdalībniekiTulkot “Download-Post/Page Link” savā valodā.
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Izmaiņu žurnāls
Initial version released