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Easy Digital Downloads – Keep AddToCart


Normally, when using ajax add-to-cart, the “Add To Cart” button is auto-hidden after the item is in the cart. But what if you want customers to be able to add multiples of an item to the cart? This add-on plugin for Easy Digital Downloads makes that “Add To Cart” button come back so they can click it again and again and again to their hearts content.

Follow this plugin on GitHub


Easy Digital Downloads – Location Export as been translated into the following languages:

  1. English

Would you like to help translate the plugin into more languages? Join our WP-Translations Community.


  1. Activate the plugin. That’s it.


Installation Instructions
  1. Activate the plugin. That’s it.


Par šo spraudni nav atsauksmju.

Autori un izstrādātāji

“Easy Digital Downloads – Keep AddToCart” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


Izmaiņu žurnāls February 15, 2016

  • Make it work with new additions to EDD 2.5.7 August 5, 2014

  • Disabled adding of additional items until ajax has triggered the cart item adding. This prevents an incorrect adding of items to the cart if the user is a fast clicker. May 28, 2014

  • Makes sure the button never leaves – and puts notifications ON the button rather than using a separate notice. Makes a smoother over-all experience. May 24, 2014

  • First release!