Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

eDS Responsive Menu


See it live Demo here: https://edatastyle.com/erm/.

eds Responsive menu is a responsive WordPress menu plugin that generates area economical vertical, horizontal push/sliding/static navigation, icon toolbar or fullscreen menu on your choice. It will be used as standalone navigation or compliment your main menu. eds Responsive menu makes navigation much user-friendly and easier each on desktops and mobiles. idea of slide in vertical, horizontal menu that tried itself on mobiles currently shines on desktops too! It may be used as always visible navigation as well.

Create your custom WordPress menu in a few easy steps. eds Responsive menu allows you to easily and intuitively create a slick and professional WordPress menu. From the most complex “Mega Menu”, rich with features, down to the simplest of menus with simple drop-downs,siding.

Feature Overview

  • Fully controllable Site Logo, Social profile, Search Box.
  • Supports Flyout or Mega Menu sub-menu styles
  • Easily integrates with wordpress menu system.
  • Clean code with a low memory footprint.
  • Media Query Breakpoint Width.
  • Option to open menu from top,bottom, left and right.
  • Unlimited Dropdowns,slide open & accordion
  • Easily hide unwanted elements on mobile devices.
  • CSS3 Transitions produce smooth animations on mobile devices
  • Fully responsive and works on all type of mobile devices.
  • Supports swipe gestures.


  • Menu Wrapper Background ( Colors, Images, Positions)
  • Toggle Colors, Background, Sizes, Positions & Colors
  • Borders
  • Gradient ( Colors & Directions )
  • Font ( Select Google Fonts, Sizes, Weights & Colors )
  • Icon ( Sizes, Colors )
  • Arrow ( Sizes, Colors, Margins )
  • And More !

Important Notes

If you are looking for more options then check out the pro version of the plugin.

For Quick support please check WP Responsive menu Support forum.

If you have any suggestions for a new plugin, feel free to email me at edatastylegmail.com.


  • Initial Setup
  • Menu Symbol Settings
  • Menu Settings
  • Sub Menu Settings
  • Addition Setup
  • Backup/import/export


Install eds Responsive Menu just like any other WordPress plugin.
[Full Installation & Setup Instructions] (https://eds.edatastyle.com/_docs/responsive_menu/)


None. Yet.


19 marts, 2018
i must buy pro version to see how it work, seriously?!
29 decembris, 2017
I bought this plugin a year and a half ago, for a site to a client and suddenly it stopped working. I was really happy when I installed it. But few days ago I saw there was a problem, the plugin didn’t have any info on it, I tried to reinstall but nothing so I finally changed for another one. It’s a shame people don’t update their plugin when you have bought it. I left a feedback and will probably never have a response.
22 oktobris, 2016
Easy options for setting. its best part of that plugin. and also running successfully on my website. definitely will use again.
21 oktobris, 2016 2 atbildes
A lot of PHP warnings after activation in the Backend (WP_DEBUG enabled). Then the Menu Symbol is not hidden when the screen width is wider than the responsive breakpoint. But most worse: this plugin loads jQuery a second time, without unloading the one loaded by WordPress. Uninstalled, happy again.
Lasīt 6 atsauksmes

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