Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

Flickr API


This plugin allows you to easily display Flickr photos on your site and using the Flickr API doesn’t limit you to
the standard 20 photos. It supports user, set, favorite, group and public photostreams.

The plugin is relatively easy to setup and configure via an options panel.
It also has support for an image cache located on your server.

Feedback and Support

For API problems you can visit the plugin page (http://malton-webdesign.co.uk/flickrapi)


The plugin also supports a number of parameters, allowing you to have multiple instances across your


  1. 'type' => 'user' – The type of Flickr images that you want to show. Possible values: ‘user’,

‘favorite’, ‘set’, ‘group’, ‘public’
2. 'api' => '' – Optional but the point of the plugin!
2. 'tags' => '' – Optional: Can be used with type = ‘user’ or ‘public’, comma separated
3. 'set' => '' – Optional: To be used with type = ‘set’
4. 'id' => '' – Optional: Your Group or User ID. To be used with type = ‘user’ or ‘group’
5. 'do_cache' => false – Enable the image cache
6. 'cache_sizes' => array('square') – What are the image sizes we want to cache locally? Possible
values: ‘square’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘small’, ‘medium’
7. 'cache_path' => '' – Where the images are saved (server path)
8. 'cache_uri' => '' – The URI associated to the cache path (web address)
9. 'num_items' => 4 – The number of images that you want to display
10. 'before_list' => '' – The HTML to print before the list of images
11. 'html' => '<a href="%flickr_page%" title="%title%"><img src="%image_square%" alt="%title%"></a&>'

the code to print out for each image.
Meta tags available: %flickr_page%, %title%, %image_small%, %image_square%, %image_thumbnail%,

%image_medium%, %image_large%
12. 'default_title' => "Untitled Flickr photo" – the default title
13. 'after_list' => '' – the HTML to print after the list of images

Example 1

  get_flickrAPI(array('num_items' => 36, 
                      'type' => 'group', 
                      'tags' => '',
                      'id' => '12325216@N00',
                      'api' => '3370ecbd3e604245581eb4955fd6xxxx')); ?>

This would show the 36 most recent group photos

Example 2

  get_flickrAPI(array('num_items' => 30, 
                      'type' => 'user', 
                      'tags' => '',
                      'id' => '10529805@N00',
                      'api' => '3370ecbd3e604245581eb4955fd6xxxx')); ?>

This would show the 30 most recent thumbnail sized photos from the specified user’s set.

Example 3

  get_flickrAPI(array('num_items' => 30, 
                      'type' => 'public', 
                      'text' => '',
                      'tags' => '',
                      'api' => '3370ecbd3e604245581eb4955fd6xxxx')); ?>

This would show the 30 most recent photos from all of FLickr.

Plugin History

  • 0.7 – Change of the Support page to new website
  • 0.6 – Removed the Large option as FLickr seem to have removed it.
  • 0.5 – Added search by Text facilty
  • 0.4 – Debug Option Added
  • 0.3 – Upgrade bug fix.
  • 0.2 – Readme.txt updated properly
  • 0.1 – Beta release (Plugin amended from the original “eightface” flickrRSS plugin


  1. Put the flickr API files into your plugins directory
  2. If you want to cache images, create a directory and make it writable
  3. Activate the plugin
  4. Configure your settings via the panel in Options
  5. Add <?php get_flickrAPI(); ?> somewhere in your templates


Par šo spraudni nav atsauksmju.

Autori un izstrādātāji

“Flickr API” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


Tulkot “Flickr API&#8221 savā valodā.

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