This is a very simple football penalty shoot game. It may easily be added to any wordpress site to attract the visitors. The user is allowed to click on the goal are where he/she wants to kick the goal. It’s easy and very simple to add in any page. You just need to copy and paste the shortcode ( [football_game_by_kashanshah] ) on your post and it’s done.
- Does it use any third-party API?
- Does it requires any customization or editing?
No, it’s very simple. You just need to copy and paste the shortcode on your post and the game will appear.
- What is the shortcode to be added on post?
Par šo spraudni nav atsauksmju.
Autori un izstrādātāji
“football_game_by_kashanshah” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
LīdzdalībniekiTulkot “football_game_by_kashanshah” savā valodā.
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Pārlūkojiet kodu, apmeklējiet SVN krātuvi vai abonējiet attīstības žurnālu, ko izveidojis RSS.
Izmaiņu žurnāls
- First release.