Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

Goo Translate Widget


Google Translate Widget expands your global reach quickly and easily. Google Translate is a free multilingual machine translation service provided by Google to translate websites. And now you can allow visitors around of the world to get your site in their native language. Just put widget on the sidebar with one click.


  • Add the power of Google automatic translations with one lightweight widget
  • Track translation traffic using Google Analytics
  • No manual translation is needed
  • No programming skills required
  • No shortcodes, sitewide active
  • Lightweight, no performance impact

Live demo? Look at the widget on the right sidebar

Note: This plugin doesn’t save any translated text into WordPress database. Translations makes on the fly by Google’s servers.

If you’re looking for plugin to set up a multilingual site with manual translated pages, try to use Polylang plugin instead.

WordPress does not support multilingual blog out-of-the-box. There are several free plugins which allow to do that: WPGlobus, Polylang, qTranslate or xili-language plugins are installable on standalone WordPress sites. For multisite WordPress (one website per language), you can try Multisite Language Switcher, Zanto or Multilingual Press or commercial WPML.

Another reliable plugins from trusted author

Protects site against brute force attacks. Restrict login by IP access lists. Limit login attempts. Comprehensive control of user activity.

Checks plugins for deprecated WordPress functions, known security vulnerabilities and some unsafe PHP functions


  • Google Translate Widget on the Widgets page in dashboard.
  • Google Translate Widget on the public page of website.


  1. Upload the Google Translate Widget plugin to the plugins directory in your WordPress installation.
  2. Activate the plugin through the WordPress admin interface.
  3. Go to the Widgets screen in dashboard.
  4. Put Google Translate Widget to any Widget Area or Sidebar you want.
  5. Tune settings, if necessary.
  6. Done!


3 septembris, 2016
After Cerber Limit Login Attempts plugin, which is awesome, and according to my testing – the only one that protects every brute-force form/widget/popup w/e, I got interested. Then I noticed that you have this plugin too. I trust that I don’t even need to test it to know that is works flawlessly. This is the 2nd plugin that you got and that I need it for my new project. Thank you
Lasīt 2 atsauksmes

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  • Initial version