Šis spraudnis ir slēgts no 20 augusts, 2024 un nav pieejams lejupielādei. Iemesls: Drošības jautājums.
21 decembris, 2022
It is wired plugin. It is still working even after I deactivated it.
I tried all possible methods to clear the cache, but the effect of this plugin is still remaining.
1 oktobris, 2022
hi, very uselful plugin specially while the site is under development.. however in our hosting, it uses 99% CPU when we do something on a even single page of wordpress admin.. we deactivated it and everything is fine now..
9 aprīlis, 2022
1 atbilde
Problem was a conflict with another plug-in. Problem now resolved
23 jūnijs, 2021
Simple and effective solution. We use it on a lot of dev sites.
6 decembris, 2020
Super helpful plugin; I recommend and use it all the time for staging and other private sites.
4 jūnijs, 2020
Might have been a good plugin, if only it wasn’t so buggy. I tested it on multisite, so maybe in simple WP installation it works fine.
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