Hide reCAPTCHA on all pages except the pages with forms (like the contact page). By default Contact Form 7 shows Google reCAPTCHA on all pages, including the homepage, posts and shop pages. When we only need it on pages with Forms, like the Contact page. This plugin will look for pages with form shortcodes and show reCAPTCHA on those pages, and hide it on all other pages.
- WordPress v3.9.2 and later (Tested up to 6.0)
- PHP v5.6.0 and later (Tested up to 7.4)
- Contact Form 7 (Tested up to
Hide reCAPTCHA on Non-Form Pages for Contact Form 7 is released under the GPLv2 license, same as that of WordPress. See the LICENSE file for the complete LICENSE text.
- Install the plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory.
- Activate it.
- That’s it. The plugin has no options, once enabled it will hide reCAPTCHA on all pages except the pages with forms.
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“Hide reCAPTCHA on Non-Form Pages for Contact Form 7” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
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Removed css to hide grecaptcha-badge.
Fixed a bug.
Initial version.