Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

Laika Pedigree Tree


Creates a custom content type to upload pets, displays from 1 to 4 generations (parents are counted as first generation).

When you create a new pet it lets you select the mother and father and then draws a pedigree
tree when the user is viewing the post.


  • Pedigree tree on a laika post type
  • Forms on custom laika post type


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Laika_Configuration to configure the plugin
  4. A new content type is Added, the pluggin works in this way:
    • The identifier is the most important part, it must be unique for every pet
    • The identifier of the mum and dad will be tied to them (by their identifier), if they exists,
    • then the plugin will know, and draw the tree properly.
  5. To view the page displaying all pets:
    • Create a new page and copy the page ID on settings (Laika Configuration), ID of the Archive
    • When you link to this page you can add filters bya arguments for gender and tags (optional)
    • For example mysite.com/yourpage/?gender=male will filter only males
    • mysite.com/yourpage/?gender=female&tags=germanshepherd+champion will filter only females with the tags ‘germanshepherd’ plus ‘champion’


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Laika_Configuration to configure the plugin
  4. A new content type is Added, the pluggin works in this way:
    • The identifier is the most important part, it must be unique for every pet
    • The identifier of the mum and dad will be tied to them (by their identifier), if they exists,
    • then the plugin will know, and draw the tree properly.
  5. To view the page displaying all pets:
    • Create a new page and copy the page ID on settings (Laika Configuration), ID of the Archive
    • When you link to this page you can add filters bya arguments for gender and tags (optional)
    • For example mysite.com/yourpage/?gender=male will filter only males
    • mysite.com/yourpage/?gender=female&tags=germanshepherd+champion will filter only females with the tags ‘germanshepherd’ plus ‘champion’


22 jūlijs, 2017
It´s a great plug-inn, very usefull for all kind of pets. I really love it.
28 oktobris, 2016
Great Plugin even beeing still under development. Author is very willing to help out with problems and is reacting very fast. Thanks for the great work
Lasīt 2 atsauksmes

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Izmaiņu žurnāls


Release Date – May 2016
Added custom fields (Beta)


Release Date – April 2017
First stable version
Minnor usability changes


Added horitzontal scrow


Redesign of the archive and added the possibility to filter by arguments
fixed uninstall bug


Cleaned up settings page and added descriptions


Added a new generation


Gives the possibility to show males first


Option for inverting tree direction


Release Date – 11 November 2016

  • Security update


Release Date – 20 October 2016

  • Added Thumbnails on tree


Release Date – 19 October 2016

  • Code rewritten for stability and bug fixing
  • custom template eliminated


Release Date – 15 October 2016

  • Added a setting to hide link on content type
  • Fixed an important Bug
  • Improved the CSS


Release Date – 13 October 2016

  • Added slug option on settings
  • Fixed small bugs
  • Improved the CSS