Map Contact is a easy to use map plugin which allows you to create a contact us page with map along with individual profiles and descriptions.
- Enable/Disable Google Location Map – Show main location and each profiles location on map.
- Create unlimited Contact Profiles, easily.
- Contact individual people securely without showing the email.
- Fully mobile responsive using JQuery masonry.
- Fully cross browser compliant including IE7 to IE11.
- Mobile device optimized, all tablets and phones.
- Click on map markers to open the persons profile as well as displaying the persons profile under the map.
- Upload and change contact images in seconds.
- If you have any suggestions what so ever please dont hesitate to leave feedback.
- English on the admin panel, but easily editable to any language on the front end.
- Activate the plugin
- Go to post/page you intend on placing the map on
- Change the editor from visual to text editing
- Click the “Map Contact Shortcode” button
Par šo spraudni nav atsauksmju.
Autori un izstrādātāji
“Map Contact” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
LīdzdalībniekiTulkot “Map Contact” savā valodā.
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Izmaiņu žurnāls
3.0.4 – 09/04/2017
- Updated the setup process based on changes made to the Google Maps Javascript API
3.0.3 – 15/08/2014
- Minor map displaying issues fixed!
3.0.2 – 15/08/2014
- Minor address updating issues and bugs!
3.0.1 – 09/08/2014
- Minor uploading bug fixes
3.0 – 09/08/2014
- Upload and change contact images, without having to put code!
2.0.4 – 05/08/2014
- Bug Fixes
2.0.3 – 05/08/2014
- Button added to editor for easier shortcode adding!
2.0.2 – 02/08/2014
- Email bug fixes
- More secure email handling
2.0.1 – 02/08/2014
- Minor bug fixes
2.0 – 01/08/2014
- Initial release