Maps for WP


A handy plugin for inserting Yandex and Google maps using shortcode.

Adds Yandex or Google Map with one point

[MapOnePoint id=”” type=”” lon=”” lat=”” zoom=”” h=”” img=”” thover=”” tclick=””]

  • “id” (required) – unique id
  • “type” (not required) – map layer (roadmap, satellite, hybrid, terrain)
  • “lon” (required) – longitude of the center of the map
  • “lat” (required) – latitude of the center of the map
  • “mstyle” (not required) – style of maps (default, blackwhite, blackout, сolorinversion)
  • “h” (not required) – Map height in pixels
  • “img” (not required) – URL image markers
  • “thover” (not required) – Text when pointing to a point
  • “tclick” (not required) – Text when clicking on a point


[MapOnePoint id="m1" type="hybrid" lon="55.75197479670444" lat="37.617726067459024" zoom="5" h="200" img="" thover="Text when pointing to a point" tclick="Text when clicking on a poin. Some text"]

Adds Yandex or Google map with many points

[MapManyPoints id=”” type=”” lat=”” lon=”” zoom=”” h=”” img=”” points=””]

  • “id” (required) – unique id
  • “type” (not required) – map layer (roadmap, satellite, hybrid, terrain)
  • “lon” (required) – longitude of the center of the map
  • “lat” (required) – latitude of the center of the map
  • “mstyle” (not required) – style of maps (default, blackwhite, blackout, сolorinversion)
  • “h” (not required) – Map height in pixels
  • “img” (not required) – URL image markers
  • “points” – [lat point 1],[lon point 1],[text on hover 1],[text on click 1];[lat point 2],[lon point 2],[text on hover 2],[text on click 2] and so on…


[[MapManyPoints id="m2" type="roadmap" lat="25" lon="30" zoom="2" h="250" points="25,-1,Text on hover this point, Text on click this point;-5,13,Text on hover this point, Text on click this point"]


  • screenshot-1.png


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the entire yandex-maps-for-wp folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Yandex Maps->Settings screen to configure the plugin
  4. Add the shortcode ([MapOnePoint] or [MapManyPoints]) to the page topic


Is it possible for one page to contain 2 of the shortcode [OneManyPoints]?

Yes. These shortcodes can be an unlimited number. Provided that the parameters ‘id’ are different.

Is it possible for one page to contain 2 of the shortcode [MapManyPoints]?



1 jūnijs, 2017 1 atbilde
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Autori un izstrādātāji

“Maps for WP” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


“Maps for WP” ir tulkots lokalizācijā 1. Paldies tulkotājiem par ieguldījumu.

Tulkot “Maps for WP&#8221 savā valodā.

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Izmaiņu žurnāls


  • Fix bugs


  • Fix bugs


  • Added map styles


  • Fix bugs.


  • Fix bugs.


  • Fix bugs.


  • Fix bugs.


  • Fix bugs.


Important: Version 1.1. not compatible with previous versions! It is not recommended to update the plugin from version 1.0.2!
* Fix bugs.
* Fixed plugin settings.
* Completely modified code.
* Added support for Google Maps!
* Changed the logic of the shortcode [MapManyPoints].


  • Fixed plugin settings.


  • Fixed a bug in which maps appear at the top of the page.


  • First relise.