

Šis spraudnis ir slēgts no 7 marts, 2024 un nav pieejams lejupielādei. Iemesls: Drošības jautājums.


18 februāris, 2021
Simply amazing, I was looking for a preloader plugin and after searching a lot finally I got this one that works out of the box and does exactly what I was looking for. It a very user-friendly, Lightweight, compatible, and easy to use. I highly recommend using this plugin. Thumbs up for the plugin developer.
5 jūlijs, 2020 7 atbildes
After activating the plug in you cannot really delete this plugin. After activating the plugin if you try to remove or delete the plugin from your website your site will not show any more and stuck into a blank page so you are stuck with this pre-loader and don’t have any other option to undo it. However the developer is good tried to fix the issue but it didn’t work for me. Use it at your own risk.
10 maijs, 2020
I must say, that this preloader is great. Works without any hassle, just install and go.. Works fine with Elementor. Works straight out of the box. Small & Easy to configure. Free More than 10+ loader images You can add your own, or why not write a loading text? Choose Background Color & Text Color And don’t forget to check out the Matrix loading function! The creator of this plug-in is very nice & helpful if any problems would appear..
Lasīt 5 atsauksmes

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