Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

Mobalize Online Appointment Bookings


If you use Mobalize for appointment scheduling on your website, you can embed your appointment widget on your site using this plugin.
All you need is your api key which you can find by loging into your account.

* Ultra easy setup
* Supports the language you selected in Mobalize
* Fully integrates in your WordPress website

If you don’t have a Mobalize account yet, you can register on our website.


  • The Mobalize Book Now button on an example website
  • The first step booking an appointment.
  • How easy can setup be!


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Mobalize screen to activate the plugin and set your api key
  4. Check out your website with the Mobalize Book Now button


Is it free?

This plugin is completely free. Mobalize has a free trial period of 1 month which you can stop any time you want.

Who uses Mobalize?

Mobalize can be used by any company which takes bookings from customers. Mobalize is used by hairdressers, beauty or nail salons, docters, opticians, tattoo shops, etc.


Par šo spraudni nav atsauksmju.

Autori un izstrādātāji

“Mobalize Online Appointment Bookings” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


“Mobalize Online Appointment Bookings” ir tulkots lokalizācijās 3. Paldies tulkotājiem par ieguldījumu.

Tulkot “Mobalize Online Appointment Bookings&#8221 savā valodā.

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Izmaiņu žurnāls


  • Removed double header comment causing the plugin to be shown twice in the plugin list


  • Changed translation domain and file names to match plugin slug


  • Added translations for German, French, Spanish and Dutch


  • First version!