

Šis spraudnis ir slēgts no 18 februāris, 2025 un nav pieejams lejupielādei. Šī slēgšana ir pastāvīga. Iemesls: Autora pieprasījums.


24 janvāris, 2018
I was looking for a way to control the excerpt that WP search displays for pages (posts natively already have this option). Ninja Pages solved this issue very simply by allowing me to add an excerpt to my pages that will display in a search. Quite pleased with this plugin and no issues observed, even in the latest version of WP to date.
23 marts, 2017
The Category and Tags boxes get included in the Edit Page but when the page is viewed, no tags show. Are the tags supposed to show automatically at the bottom of the page or, does the template for pages need to be modified to include a Tags / Category area? No information about how to get the tags to show up on the page in the instructions, if that is the case.
3 septembris, 2016
This plugin disappeared from the WP Plugins page ages ago but I kept using it by uploading any old copy to each website. I love it. It kept working but I held my breath wondering when it would crash my site. I’m very happy to see it updated and tested with new WP versions.
Lasīt 12 atsauksmi

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“Ninja Pages” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


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