Pinyin Slug


The Chinese PinYin Slug WordPress plugin convert Chinese UTF-8 character into English PinYin character from a post slugs to improve search engine optimization.

For example, when you publish a post with a title like this: “Chinese PinYin”
Wordpress automatically assigns a long filename to your post, called a post slug: /%e4%b8%ad%e6%96%87%e6%8b%bc%e9%9f%b3

PinYin Slug plugin convert Chinese character into PinYin character. With Chinese PinYin plugin activated, the slug for our example blog post would look like this: /zhongwenpinyin

The slug is generated on saving a post (so you get a chance to look at it before publishing, and change it), or on publish. It won’t overwrite an existing slug. You can force a new slug generation by deleting the existing one.


Download the PinYin Plugin and activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress. Now, when editing a post, give it a title and press Save and Continue Editing. The PinYin Slug plugin will generate a slug. If you edit it, the plugin will honor your slug and won’t change it.


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Izmaiņu žurnāls


  • Compatible with new versions of WordPress.
  • Replace new SDK.

