With this plugin you can efficiently create your website/blog inner links/content links. A specific words can be linked to any specific link through out the site/blog. The beautiful part is, you can restrict the internal linking within a taxonomy/category, So that it will avoid linking unrelevant worrds.
Power Links allows you to manage site internal links for blogs.
Let me provide you an example.
If you want to link to “orange” in the category of “Fruits” it will not link to the “orange” in the category of “Colors”. I hope this is what I did not found on many inter linking plugins and we built one with covering these problems.
See it in actoin at : https://beautyhealthtips.in
- Search for “Power Links” under “Plugins Add New” in your WordPress dashboard.
- Power Links settings will appear in each block settings.
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“Power Links – Internal Link Manager” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
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