Remove Orphan Shortcodes


This is a simple plugin which automatically hides inactive (orphan) shortcode tags you have used for previous themes and/or plugins. It uses the_content filter to search for shortcode tags which are not active and simply removes them from your post/page content (note the shortode tags won’t be deleted form your content, they will just be removed temporarily on your website frontend). It is a great solution if you want to avoid manual removal of old shortcode tags from your entire content.

Remove Orphan Shortcodes plugin is created by Meks


  • Upload to plugins, like any other plugin, or upload unzipped folder remove to wp-content/plugins/
  • Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress


  • For any questions, error reports and suggestions please visit


25 marts, 2023
I needed to temporarily hide some shortscodes and this plugin works great but… it has also hidden the Rank Math FAQ blocks which are not orphaned, obviously.I hope that in the next update it will be corrected. Fingers crossed.
14 oktobris, 2022
Any gutenberg block storing an array in block attributes JSON is flagged as a shortcode. As most blocks using JSON attributes also use render_callback and server-side rendering, this causes the block to disappear entirely – broken JSON is hard to parse. Ergo, don’t use this if you also use ACF, because any repeater or relationship field in a block can cause the entire thing to disappear.
16 aprīlis, 2021
Why would anyone want to leave a useless plugin after the cleaning? Make it so it cleans and can be deleted. Otherwise what’s the point? SMH
20 jūlijs, 2020
Does what it promises and never has created problems. Recommended.
Lasīt 13 atsauksmi

Autori un izstrādātāji

“Remove Orphan Shortcodes” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


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Izmaiņu žurnāls


  • Fixed: PHP notice thrown in specific versions


  • Optimization improvements
  • Fixed an issue with breaking image captions


  • Initial release