Build a beautiful slider. Custom post types are supported, everything is customized and very easy to use with shortcode.
If you want to use diferent slide types on the same page, e.g. on the first slider you want to have 4 columns, on the second 5, in the third 3 and so on, you need a PRO version.
BUY PRO version here for 7,00 USD.
Simple shortcode
[cs_slick_slider_all post_type=”post” post_number=”10″]
Available attributes
post_type – select post type
post_number – put the number of the articles you want to show
taxonomy – define taxonomy
terms – put terms id separated by comma
orderby – default: date
order – default: DESC
show_description – true or false
swipe – true or false (determine will the slider be touchable)
responsive – default: large=4,medium=3,small=2,exsmall=1
[cs_slick_slider_all post_type=”post” post_number=”10″ swipe=”false” responsive=”large=5,medium=3,small=1,exsmall=1″ show_description=”true”]
[cs_slick_slider_all post_type=”project” taxonomy=”project_cat” terms=”10,14,16″ post_number=”10″ swipe=”false” ]
Par šo spraudni nav atsauksmju.
Autori un izstrādātāji
“Slick slider all” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
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