

Šis spraudnis ir slēgts no 2 decembris, 2024 un nav pieejams lejupielādei. Šī slēgšana ir īslaicīga, līdz pilnīgai pārskatīšanai.


26 janvāris, 2020
I have try many popular plugins like rtcamp with nginx_purge_cache module or Nginx cache by Till Krüss. I found this is the combination of both popular plugin. I can define cache path which work with file system (I use bindfs mount for cache path). I really like to have this plugin improve as following 1. should be able to define 2 multiple cache path, I use both proxy_cache and fastcgi_cache and right now I only select 1 path to purge cache key. 2. should allow debug log to easier make sure the cache key was purge. 3. the admin bar purge button should be fix, I can’t see the response action after click to purge, event I can see the cache key was clear in file system. 4. add purge cache page on current page that preview, instead of need to click update in admin page/post editor with 4 mentioned above, the plugin would be the best compare to other Regards,
15 augusts, 2018
Although this plugin doesn’t have many feature like Nginx Helper and Nginx Cache Controller, Cache Sniper for Nginx was the only plugin which working properly on my server setup (FEMP-FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE, Nginx 1.15.2, MariaDB 10.2.16, and PHP 7.2.7). Great job, developers!
Lasīt 5 atsauksmes

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