Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

Spridz Customer Feedback


Collecting customer feedback ratings has never been easier. Find out what Spridz can do for you.

No more long surveys and costly data analysis! Use Spridz to close the customer feedback loop via email, web, chat and helpdesk systems. Increasing user engagement and improving customer satisfaction. Get more feedback and higher response rates. This feedback is then converted into customer satisfaction ratings and a Net Promoter Score tracking how your company is doing over any period of time.

Collect Real-time Customer Feedback

Team members receive real-time customer satisfaction ratings once their personalized widget in their email footers, messages or helpdesk system is clicked.

Get Detailed Information and Statistics

Receive crucial data insights that your business needs to improve your team’s performance. Easily track, visualize and measure customer happiness.

Attract New Customers

Set company goals and motivate your employees. Happy employees lead to happy customers. Stand out from the crowd and attract new customers.

Take control of customer satisfaction in just a few clicks!


It links through to your own Spridz customer survey hosted by spridz.com.


  • Log in to spridz.com and go to the Integration page.
  • At the bottom of the Integration page find your API Token, copy this token.
  • On your WordPress Admin page, go to Appearance, Widgets.
  • Find the Spridz Customer Survey widget, and press Add Widget.
  • Click to expand the Spridz Customer Survey widget, and paste the API Token copied above into the API Token field.
  • Press the save button, then click done.

For further information please contact info@spridz.com


Installation Instructions

It links through to your own Spridz customer survey hosted by spridz.com.


  • Log in to spridz.com and go to the Integration page.
  • At the bottom of the Integration page find your API Token, copy this token.
  • On your WordPress Admin page, go to Appearance, Widgets.
  • Find the Spridz Customer Survey widget, and press Add Widget.
  • Click to expand the Spridz Customer Survey widget, and paste the API Token copied above into the API Token field.
  • Press the save button, then click done.

For further information please contact info@spridz.com


26 aprīlis, 2018
I’ve been looking for a customer feedback WP plugin for some time. I came across Spridz and found it was easy to install, the real-time data that followed after someone submitted feedback is amazing. Easy to understand and the timeliness in receiving responses is just what I’m after. Beyond my site, Spridz can also be used to request feedback via email, and our CRM. It’s very affordable. Really worth trying it out.
Lasīt 1 atsauksmes

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