Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

Sunburst Code Prettify


This plugin uses the Sunburst theme, a colorful and high contrast dark theme to highlight your code syntax with Highlight.js. Highlight.js is accurate, fast, lightweight and easy to use.


Short-code method:

  1. From within a WordPress page or post, wrap the [prettify][/prettify] shortcode around the code snippet you wish to highlight.
  2. You can specify a language by specifying the language extension inside the shortcode.
    [prettify class=”html”][/prettify]
  3. The shortcode will work from within either the Visual or HTML editor.

Non-short-code method:

  1. Wrap your code snippets in “


  2. You can specify a language by specifying a class in the element.
    <pre><code class="html">

Sunburst Only

This plugin only contains the CSS file for the Sunburst theme syntax highlighting formatting, because it is the best dark syntax theme. If (for some reason) you wanted to highlight your code using a different theme, there are other syntax highlighting themes available in the Highlight.js Theme Gallery

Languages Supported:

  • Bash
  • C#
  • C++
  • CSS
  • Diff
  • Ini
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Perl
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • SQL


  • PHP code examples
  • CSS code example
  • HTML code example
  • JavaScript code example
  • Ruby code example


  1. Wrap code snippets in [prettify][/prettify] shortcode and it will guess the syntax being used and highlight the code.

  2. You can specify a language by specifying the language extension inside the shortcode.
    [prettify class=”html”][/prettify]
    The class=”” specifies the language file extensions.


Par šo spraudni nav atsauksmju.

Autori un izstrādātāji

“Sunburst Code Prettify” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


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Izmaiņu žurnāls


  • Changed syntax highlight script to Highlight.js for more accurate code detection.
  • Improved content stripping rules for WordPress code editor when the [prettify]...[/prettify] is wrapped around content.
  • Improved Sunburst CSS styles


  • Added plain text color to CSS file
  • Adjusted spacing in CSS file
  • Updated copyright year in plugin.php file


  • Added CSS parsing js file
  • Moved JS files into /js folder
  • Fixed missing files from 2.1 commit


  • Added [prettify] shortcode
  • Automatically added the required onload=”prettyPrint()” to body tag with jquery


  • Initial WordPress.org commit