Spraudņa birka: custom fields
MB Text Limiter
(0 vērtējumu kopsumma)Limit number of characters or words entered for text and textarea fields in meta boxes.
ACF Permalinks
(1 vērtējumu kopsumma)Plugin allows to use ACF values in permalink structure by adding %field_fieldname%, for posts, pages and custom post types.
Secure Custom Fields
(19 vērtējumu kopsumma)Secure Custom Fields (SCF) offers an intuitive way for developers to enhance WordPress content management by adding extra fields and options without c …
MB FacetWP Integration
(0 vērtējumu kopsumma)Integrates Meta Box custom fields with FacetWP. Make custom fields filterable.
WP-Admin Search Post Meta
(10 vērtējumu kopsumma)Enables searching post meta fields on admin pages.
ACF Woocommerce Account Fields
(4 vērtējumu kopsumma)Add Advanced Custom Fields to the Woocommerce registration form and edit profile form.
SuevaFree Essential Kit
(0 vērtējumu kopsumma)Install SuevaFree Essential Kit plugin to enable all features of SuevaFree 3.0 WordPress theme, like 7 custom widgets, three different custom post typ …
ACF: Google Maps Field (Multiple Markers)
(2 vērtējumu kopsumma)An advanced Google Maps field for ACF that allows you to add multiple markers/pins to a single map field.
Price Field
(0 vērtējumu kopsumma)Adds support for price field to posts, pages or other selected post types. Fully integrated with Catalog X.
Advanced Custom Field: Shortcode Field
(1 vērtējumu kopsumma)When you enter a shortcode, it will be executed and outputted, by using the_field('FIELD_NAME_HERE') in your theme.
RSS Manager
(1 vērtējumu kopsumma)This plugin gives you the ability to change the appearance of your RSS feed.
MB Beaver Builder Integration
(0 vērtējumu kopsumma)Integrates Meta Box's custom fields with Beaver Themer.
JSM Show Order Metadata for WooCommerce HPOS
(2 vērtējumu kopsumma)Show WooCommerce order metadata in a metabox when editing HPOS orders – a great tool for debugging issues with HPOS order metadata.
Opal Woo Custom Product Variation
(0 vērtējumu kopsumma)Plugin Advanced Product Field for Woocommerce, add some field for user select
Business Era Extension
(0 vērtējumu kopsumma)Plugin to extend features of Business Era Theme. This plugin registers custom post types, widgets and custom fields for the Business Era theme.
Theme Toolkit
(0 vērtējumu kopsumma)Theme toolkit is a plugin to register custom post types, widgets and shortcodes to add additional feature and functionality to any WordPress theme.
MB Rank Math Integration
(0 vērtējumu kopsumma)Add content of Meta Box custom fields to Rank Math Content Analysis.
Custom Fields Shortcodes
(1 vērtējumu kopsumma)Lets you insert custom fields in the visual editor without coding in PHP.
Live Search and Custom Fields LITE – Advanced Filter
(1 vērtējumu kopsumma)Advanced WordPress Filter Plugin that helps you to create stunning filters on your website. Search and Filter WordPress posts, custom posts, WooCommer …