Easy Username Updater


Easy Username updater is a plugin which allows administrators to change usernames on their site. It provide list of users with their email address,username and role. It changes display name as well.

This plugin also do following:

  1. Search the user by username, email address, or role.
  2. Send the updated username to user by email.

How to install?

  1. Unzip the downloaded ‘username-updater.zip’ file
  2. Upload the ‘username-updater’ folder to ‘/wp-content/plugins’ directory of your WordPress installation
  3. Activate the plugin via the WordPress Plugins page
  4. A new submenu will automatically create on users menu


  • The main interface
  • Update username


  1. Unzip the downloaded ‘username-updater.zip’ file
  2. Upload the ‘username-updater’ folder to ‘/wp-content/plugins’ directory of your WordPress installation
  3. Activate the plugin via the WordPress Plugins page
  4. A new submenu will automatically create on users menu


Is that plugin ready for multi-site use?

Not for multisite now.


15 marts, 2024
This broke my Wordpress installation, causing it to allocate infinite memory and hanging/crashing Apache. I had to reboot my server, shut down Apache, look at the plugin source, guess at what it did (I don’t know PHP), and directly update the wp_users table to undo what this plugin had done. “Luckily” (I guess???) it had merely updated the user_login and display_name columns of the wp_users table, so all I had to do was change them back, and restart Apache, and that seemed to do the trick. To be fair, this plugin was not listed as compatible with my version of Wordpress. It’s tested up to 6.3.3 and I’m on 6.4.3. But I would not have thought that a single point-release of difference would have caused this much trouble. At a guess, some other (perhaps poorly or improperly written) plugin I have broke this one. I dunno. The actual error in Apache was [Fri Mar 15 14:28:03.740838 2024] [php7:error] [pid 1170] [client] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in /path/to/my/domain.com/wp-includes/class-wp-user.php on line 248
23 februāris, 2024
I installed this plugin today. I couldn`t spot in under Setting in WP admin area, but found under USERS. I opened up and clicked update, then I input new user name into field and it has been changed in a second. I was able to login to my WP with new user name immediately. Recommended.
8 decembris, 2023
Tested for WP 6.4.2Later i read that it was not for multisite so had to uninstall.
Lasīt 32 atsauksmes

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Izmaiņu žurnāls

Version 1.0

  • Initial release

Version 1.0.1

  • Converted to class-based structure

Version 1.0.2

  • Added the user search feature

Version 1.0.3

  • Added the send email feature

Version 1.0.4

  • Added the dataTable