Allows your users to pay over Sofortüberweisung via WooCommerce checkout.
Easy, fast and safe.
Setup is very easy.
Requires Woocommerce 3+
Features PRO Version
* Customize easy all texts via the backend
* comming soon
If you like to buy the PRO Version please contact me via email: michaelleithold18@gmail.com
Plugin Installation
1️⃣ Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
2️⃣ Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
3️⃣ Configure the Plugin (Woocommerce->Settings->Payments->Klarna / Sofortüberweisung)
Plugin Configuration
1️⃣ The first step is to get your Configuration key from Klarna.com.
Watch this video and follow the steps to get such a key.
Sandbox / Live Mode
For testing (Note: you have to activate the Testmode via the klarna backend) you can use the folling datas:
Test Bank Accounts (see point 6) https://integration.sofort.com/integrationCenter-ger-DE/content/view/full/12943/
If you have any questons feel free to contact me.
comming soon
comming soon
Autori un izstrādātāji
“Sofortueberweisung Gateway for Woocommerce” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
Līdzdalībnieki“Sofortueberweisung Gateway for Woocommerce” ir tulkots lokalizācijā 1. Paldies tulkotājiem par ieguldījumu.
Tulkot “Sofortueberweisung Gateway for Woocommerce” savā valodā.
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Izmaiņu žurnāls
- Bugfixes: Cutting order number in Klarna bug fixed, Added a notice if in Germanized for WooCommerce the option “Disallow cancellations” is activated.
- Fixed some Bugs – addet some Options see Plugin Settings
- Fixed Bug – if payment success empty cart
- Payment country depend on order country – added customize email text via settings – added error message if sofort api key is not correct – fix notice transid if payment not sofortueberweisung – fix WC Country Notice
- Payment Language same as in Woocommerce set / fixed bug if order canceled / fixed some spelling mistake
- API Fix / Security Fix Post/Get Request – IMPORTANT UPDATE!
- released stable version