Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

WooCommerce Ajax Cart Plugin


WooCommerce AJAX Cart is a WordPress Plugin that changes the default behavior of WooCommerte Cart Page, allowing a buyer to see the Total price calculation when change the Quantity of a product, without need to manually click on “Update cart” button.

This improves the user experience when purchasing a product. No other hacks/code/theme changes is needed, this functionality is added when the plugin is activated.

You can try and play with this plugin demonstration clicking here

Free version features:

  • Automatically reload and recalculate Cart using AJAX when quantity changes
  • Show -/+ buttons around item quantity on cart page
  • Show item quantity as select instead numeric field
  • Show user confirmation when change item quantity to zero

Premium version features:

  • Allow to change/synchronize quantities in shop, minicart and single product pages view demo
  • Make the Add to cart button to perform with AJAX, without full page reload view demo
  • Faster AJAX reload call when change quantities in Cart page
  • Option to lock quantity inputs to allow only change using plus and minus buttons
  • Update price vs quantity calculation automatically on Single Product pages

If you looking for a related plugin with more complete features maybe you can try WooCommerce Better Usability plugin.


  • When user clicks on “+” or “-” of Quantity field, an AJAX request was made to update the prices.


  1. Upload woocommerce-ajax-cart.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Done. This plugin no requires extra configurations to work


27 janvāris, 2023
Is not working. Cart update still requires an “Enter” on a quantity field to be updated. Nothing changed. Upd: The issue was in theme. Plugin is great, thank you!
15 jūlijs, 2020 1 atbilde
This plugin has a function to undo the product even if the product is deleted from the update cart button on the cart page. This is a unique feature of this plugin that is not in the default woocommerce features. Very kind to customers 🙂
27 maijs, 2020 3 atbildes
This plugin displays an unhidable nag notice on the wp main dashboard. The notice has a link saying “Dismiss for 90 days” and the notice goes away after you click on that link, but it comes back way sooner than the said 90 days. It is more like 90 hours after it appears again. Even 90 day feels too frequent for me so this is very annoying. This is a violation of WP guidelines, which is unacceptable. Please read here: https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-org/detailed-plugin-guidelines/#11-plugins-should-not-hijack-the-admin-dashboard and here: https://make.wordpress.org/themes/handbook/review/required/explanations-and-examples/#selling-credits-and-links WP defines dismissable notices like this: Notifications such as admin notices must be dismissable. This means that the notices should not only be closed, but hidden permanently when the “Dismiss” link is closed. Please review and remove this annoying nag notice as soon as possible!
Lasīt 39 atsauksmes

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“WooCommerce Ajax Cart Plugin” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


“WooCommerce Ajax Cart Plugin” ir tulkots lokalizācijās 6. Paldies tulkotājiem par ieguldījumu.

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Izmaiņu žurnāls


  • Added High-Performance order storage compatibility


  • Reset quantity to minimum value when denying the confirmation to remove item from the cart


  • Tested with WooCommerce 6.4.1 and WordPress 5.9.3
  • Fixed reported PHP warning error at Admin panel


  • Changed default quantity buttons CSS for better looking
  • Testing with WordPress 5.8.1 and WooCommerce 5.8.0


  • Avoid to add hide style for product quantity multiple times
  • Prevent user from click on quantity buttons when disabled
  • Tested with WordPress 5.8


  • Tested with WooCommerce 5.0.0
  • Fixed translation domain path


  • Added dropdown_steps argument support for woocommerce_quantity_input_args hook


  • Fixed fatal error on frontend when WooCommerce plugin not enabled
  • Let dropdown respect min_value and step values
  • Added wac_quantity_div and wac_template_file filters
  • Removed old legacy migration


  • Using document instead document.body listeners that was causing issues with some themes
  • Trigger correct Update cart button in Cart for themes that using multiple layouts
  • Changed HTML structure of buttons to make it more clickable


  • Tested with latest WordPress and WooCommerce version
  • Fixed critical bug when changing quantity in Cart


  • Tested with latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions
  • Removed unwanted admin notices


  • Optimized plus and minus quantity javascript listeners


  • Show confirmation to remove product when user empty quantity input


  • Removing deprecated PHP short_open_tag blocks


  • Updated template override compatibility to 4.0.0 and WC tested up to 4.2.0


  • Reversed changelog ordering to make it more standard
  • Changed plugin notices to respect the guidelines


  • Added compatibility support with WooCommerce 4.0.1


  • Compatibility with WooCommerce Bundled Products


  • Hide quantity select in Cart when maximum value is same as minimum value


  • Updated supported woocommerce version to 3.8.1


  • Updated supported woocommerce version to 3.7.1
  • Prevent page reload when adding to cart in certain conditions


  • Changed limit from 50 to 1000 for quantity in select
  • Added compatibility with Giftable for WooCommerce plugin


  • Removing +/- buttons when product is sold individually


  • Added compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.4
  • Standardized to use strict mode on frontend script, removing unused code


  • Registering scripts using common hook wp_enqueue_scripts