WP Better Sub Menus improves the menu admin screen (nav-menus.php) by allowing you to Expand/Contract the menu items. Specially useful when your menu consist of a few dozens of items.
Other features include:
- Sticky sidebar for easier access to the links sidebar menu
- Scrollable sidebar.
- Colored menu items to indicate if a menu item has subitems inside
- Easy click & expand or click & contract.
Upload the plugin to your blog, activate it and go to Appearance / Menus. You’ll see that now your menus are nested and contracted. Note: If you don’t have any submenus or nested menus, you’ll not going to notice any changes.
This plugin introduces only visual changes, your navigation functionality remains the same.
Autori un izstrādātāji
“WP Better Sub Menus” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
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Izmaiņu žurnāls
- 10 leves of menu items, with gradient color to better identify each of them
- All items are collapsible, even the ones just drag and dropped, when editing a menu
- 10 levels of menu items, with gradient color to better identify each of them
- All items are collapsible, even the ones just drag and dropped, when editing a menu
- Screenshots & Description added
- Color bars & Stick menu features added