WordPress template tags
To make it easy to edit themes and plugins there are many build in template tags within the WordPress code. I did not found all the tags I wanted so I created them and now provides as a plugin.
For usage go to “Installation“
0.4 - _get_category_count() and _category_count() functions updated
0.3 - _get_depth(), _is_child(), is_grandchild() functions created
0.2 - _get_the_content_with_formatting() function created
0.1 - Plugin created
Prevents collisions
Every extra template tag with this plugin has an underscore before the function name. That is to prevent collisions if the WordPress team develop the functions in the future.
Add an extra template tag
If you have an own extra template tag, send it to me and if it is a good one I will include it in the next plugin update. For bug reports, donations, feedback, more plugins and themes visit web-templates.nu
- Upload the FOLDER ‘wp-extra-template-tags’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’
- Activate the plugin ‘WP Extra Template Tags’ through the ‘Plugins’ menu in admin
- Call the functions of your choice from your theme or plugin
Category ID
Displays or returns the numeric ID of the category a post belongs to. This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php _category_ID(); ?>
<?php echo _get_category_ID(); ?>
Category Parent ID
Displays or returns the numeric parent ID of the category a post belongs to. This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php _category_parent_ID(); ?>
<?php echo _get_category_parent_ID(); ?>
Category Slug
Displays or returns the category slug/nicename of the category a post belongs to. This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php _category_slug(); ?>
<?php echo _get_category_slug(); ?>
Category Name
Displays or returns the name/title of the category a post belongs to. This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php _category_name(); ?>
<?php echo _get_category_name(); ?>
Category Count
Displays or returns the number of posts within a category. It can be used with a post ID, post slug (nicename) or empty used within The Loop.
<?php _category_count(); ?>
<?php _category_count(3); ?>
<?php _category_count('about'); ?>
<?php echo _get_category_count(); ?>
<?php echo _get_category_count(3); ?>
<?php echo _get_category_count('about'); ?>
Get Category Name By ID
Returns the name/title of the category ID.
<?php echo _get_category_name_by_ID(3); ?>
Get Category ID By Name
Returns the ID of the category slug/nicename.
<?php echo _get_category_ID_by_name('about'); ?>
User ID
Displays or returns the user ID of the logged in user.
<?php _user_id(); ?>
<?php echo _get_user_id(); ?>
User Name
Displays or returns the user name of the logged in user.
<?php _user_name(); ?>
<?php echo _get_user_name(); ?>
User Level
Displays or returns the user level of the logged in user.
<?php _user_level(); ?>
<?php echo _user_level(); ?>
ID by Page Name
Returns the page ID by page or post slug/nicename.
<?php echo _get_ID_by_page_name('about'); ?>
Name by Page ID
Returns the page slug/nicename by page or post ID.
<?php echo _get_name_by_page_ID(3); ?>
Max Pages
Displays or returns the max amount of pages per post. This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php _max_pages(); ?>
<?php echo _get_max_pages(); ?>
Returns the depth of a page. It can be used with a page ID or empty used within The Loop.
<?php echo _get_depth(); ?>
<?php echo _get_depth(3); ?>
Is Child
Returns true if the current page is a child. It can be used with a page ID or empty used within The Loop.
<?php if(_is_child()) { echo 'This is a child page'; } ?>
<?php if(_is_child(3)) { echo 'This is a child page'; } ?>
Is Grandchild
Returns true if the current page is a grandchild.
<?php if(_is_grandchild()) { echo 'This is a grandchild page'; } ?>
Delete Post Link
Displays a link to delete current post or page for logged in administrators. Be careful!
<?php _delete_post_link(); ?>
Get The Content with Formatting
Returns get_the_content() tag WITH formatting like the_content().
<?php echo _get_the_content_with_formatting(); ?>
Parent Permalink
Displays or returns the parent permalink. This tag must be used within The Loop.
<?php _parent_permalink(); ?>
<?php echo _get_parent_permalink(); ?>
Permalink by Name
Displays or returns the permalink by page or post slug/nicename.
<?php _permalink_by_name('about'); ?>
<?php echo _get_permalink_by_name('about'); ?>
- How do I report a bug?
Contact me here. Describe the problem as good as you can, your plugin version, WordPress version and possible conflicting plugins and so on.
- How can I support this plugin?
The best way to contribute is to spread the word, link to WP Extra Template Tags, blog about WP Extra Template tags or give me feedback. All kinds of feedback are helpful to me. Suggestions and bug report are also welcome.
- Where can I use the extra template tags?
You could use them in your theme. If you want you can use them within plugins as well.
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Autori un izstrādātāji
“WP Extra Template Tags” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
LīdzdalībniekiTulkot “WP Extra Template Tags” savā valodā.
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