Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

WP Owl Carousel


Owl Carousel integration for WordPress

Owl Carousel author: Bartosz Wojciechowski

For now, works only with images.


  • Click Add or Upload files to insert images
  • When images selected, click use this file
  • Copy the shortcode and paste it anywhere
  • View post/page to see results


Go to your WordPress Dashboard. From there select Plugins -> Add New. Search for \’WP Owl Carousel\’, make sure it found the right plugin and click Install Now.

Alternatively, extract the zip file and upload the contents to the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the plugin from the plugins page.


How to control when and how this plugin’s assets get loaded?

First you’ll need to tell the plugin not to enqueue the assets.

For all files:


For individual files:

add_filter('wp_owl_carousel_enqueue_css','__return_false'); - Owl Carousel css

add_filter('wp_owl_carousel_enqueue_theme_css','__return_false'); - Owl Carousel Theme css, loaded after the main css

add_filter('wp_owl_carousel_enqueue_owl_js','__return_false'); - Owl Carousel minified javascript, loaded after jquery

add_filter('wp_owl_carousel_enqueue_plugin_js','__return_false'); - Plugin's own javascript, initializes the carousels, depends on plugin's JS

And now just use the ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’ action hook and wp_enqeue_script/wp_enqueue_style functions somewhere in your code.

There’s also the get_wp_owl_carousel_url() function to easily get this plugin’s url if you don’t want to copy the assets over somewhere.


1 aprīlis, 2018 2 atbildes
Looks awesome especially the ability to provide Rel attribute is a feature I can’t find in any other plugin. Adding images is very easy and intuitive. Great plugin besides the fact that it is outdated and no longer works with the newest WordPress version. * added a star as Dabuuker replied quickly and tested the plugin with the new version of wordpress
3 septembris, 2016
For the most part it works like it should and I like the functionality of it. However this plugin is useless on a mobile device when your site is responsive. I had to remove it. The other issue I find is the image gallery doesn’t always reset it self and tends to get stuck. I have used the Owl Carousel on a Joomla site and works flawless. WordPress needs a little work. Still recommend though.
3 septembris, 2016 1 atbilde
Thanks for this, I was looking for an easy way to upload client logos without having to delve into the code. What would make your plugin super awesome!? To be able to add text as well as images for testimonials The ability to turn off the script dependencies for those who already have them minified and concatenated in the WordPress theme. Putting the scripts in the footer Keep up the awesome work : )
Lasīt 4 atsauksmes

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Izmaiņu žurnāls


  • [] array syntax replaced with array() to avoid fatal errors on hosts with old PHP version


  • Added filters for dequeueing plugin css and js


  • Fixed issue with wrong link to image size


  • Added ability to link to a different image size and specify a rel attribute for lightboxes


  • First release