WP Revision Master
WordPress by default stores numerous post revisions for every change you have made. It makes your database heavy and website slower. WP Revision Master is a powerful plugin to control over revisions.
- Disable revisions.
- Limit post revision for the whole site.
- Limit post revision for each post type.
- Limit post revision for every single post.
- Add post revisions to any public custom post types, like woocommerce products.
- Trash revisions.
- Trash revisions by bulk.
- Compare among multiple revision for changes.
- Restore an old revision.
- Clean admin settings page (Settings -> Revision Settings).
- Clean revision meta box with cool AJAX messages.
- No advertisement.
- Active support.
Upcoming features
- Post meta revisions.
- Database revision cleanup.
- Database optimization.
If you need support, mail at hsleonis2@gmail.com
- Upload wp-revision-master to /wp-content/plugins/ .
- Activate plugin through the WordPress Plugins menu.
- Go to Settings > Revision Settings and set the options.
- 1. What are the basic features?
A: Enable/disable site-wide revision control, with enable revision per-post type and individual post, page or product!
- 2. Does it support Woocommerce or Jigoshop?
A: Yes, it can add revisions to any public post types, even if the post type doesn\’t support revisions when registered.
- 3. Can I set unlimited revisions?
A: Yes, of course.
- 4. Is the plugin translatable?
A: Yes, sure.
- 5. How can I change settings?
A: Navigate to Settings > Revision Settings in your WordPress Dashboard.
- 6. Can I control revision of a specific post?
A: Yes, look for the metabox called ‘Revisions’ below the post editor.
- 7. How to override global settings from a single post or page?
A: Use the following values in metabox:
Get unlimited revisions : -1
Use global setting : 0
Minimum number of revision : 1
Autori un izstrādātāji
“WP Revision Master” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
LīdzdalībniekiTulkot “WP Revision Master” savā valodā.
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Izmaiņu žurnāls
- Plugin activate redirection bug fixed
- Single post revision removal bug fixed
- Readme made readable
- Initial public release