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WordPress Survey & Poll – Quiz, Survey and Poll Plugin for WordPress



Šis spraudnis ir slēgts no 2 janvāris, 2025 un nav pieejams lejupielādei. Šī slēgšana ir īslaicīga, līdz pilnīgai pārskatīšanai.


21 decembris, 2022
I have been using WP Forms which has a great ui for creating forms, however it is expensive and does not deliver results to users and in a collated way. The Modal Survey is brilliant as you can use categories for a questions or even better answers and then produce charts for those categories. This gives very meaningful results and there is flexibility on how those results are delivered… QSM also uses categories, however collation is currently not yet available and the costing is not int he same league as Modal Survey at this time.Pantherius has produced such a powerful plugin with such flexibility and realtime reporting to the participant as well as cumulative.The support has been responsive…What 4 stars? there are as with all plugins some features which would further improve it eg 1. True Likert Scale/Grid approach using groups of answers 2. More control over the pdf attachment content to the participant… however the shortcode options are amazing and I recommend this plugin…. it takes a bit of learning… however it is worth it. 🙂
1 novembris, 2016
Hi, Love it but such a shame that even the basic results are not able to be shown to user in the free version upon completion.
3 septembris, 2016 3 atbildes
This plugin sounds so nice, but in fact it is mainly to advertise the pro version. You can not do a lot with the free version. Only simple polls, no surveys.
Lasīt 10 atsauksmi

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