Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

WP TypeIt Lite


This is the official free WordPress plugin for TypeIt, the most versatile animated typing utility on the planet. WP TypeIt Lite allows you to easily generate typewriter effects for your website by use of a single easy-to-configure shortcode. Place this shortcode on any post or page, and the effect will be live.

The Perks

  • Unobtrusive – All this plugin does is register a shortcode you can use in your posts.
  • Lightweight – TypeIt is 100% vanilla JavaScript, so it won’t load any dependencies like jQuery.
  • Performance in Mind – TypeIt will only be enqueued if it’s actually needed on the page.
  • The Real Deal – This plugin is created and maintained by the creator of TypeIt itself.

Want More Features & Active Development?

Being a “lite” version, this plugin largely receives maintenance updates and will probably not gain any more features than what’s currently here. By purchasing a license for the fully-featured version of the plugin, you’ll get the following:

  • Access to a Gutenberg block for creating highly customizable, dynamic effects.
  • More features for the shortcode provided by the plugin.
  • More frequent TypeIt source updates.

For more information, see here.

Using the Plugin

Make an Effect Using Shortcode Attributes

You can generate a typewriter effect by using a variation of the following shortcode in a post or page, passing each setting as a shortcode attribute.

At bare minimum, you need to pass a strings attribute:

[typeit strings="Look, I'm typing a string!"]

There also exists a wide set of attributes you may use to customize the typing effects. For example, setting speed (in milliseconds):

<h2>[typeit strings="Look, I'm typing a string!" speed="500"]</h2>

Or, making an effect continuously loop:

<h2>[typeit strings="This is a string that will loop!" speed="100" loop="true"]</h2>

Define Strings in an SEO-Friendly Way

As demonstrated, you can define a string to be typed by passing it in as a “strings” attribute. However, you may also define them by passing them inside of two enclosing shortcode tags:

[typeit speed="300"]This string will exist in your HTML, and when the page is loaded, TypeIt will take over and animate it.[/typeit]

When the tag is rendered, that string will be hard-coded on the page, rather than stored in memory on page load. The advantage to this approach is that web crawlers will be able to parse the text without JavaScript, making the content a bit more SEO-friendly.

View All Available Options

For the full list of options you may pass, refer to the documentation at typeitjs.com/docs#options.


You like it? Email or tweet me. You hate it? Email or tweet me.



  1. Download the plugin and upload to your plugins directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins page.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ page.


The TypeIt JS library requires a paid license to use commercially. Do I need one with this plugin?

Nope! Using this free plugin doesn’t require a paid license to use, regardless of the project. However, if you wish to take advantage of the full feature set TypeIt offers, you’ll need to purchase a license and implement the JS library on your own. Or, you may hire me to help.

Do I need to worry about other JavaScript dependencies (like jQuery) for this to work?

Nope! TypeIt uses vanilla JavaScript with no external dependencies, so you’re good to go.


11 jūlijs, 2023
took over 2 hours and still cant work out how to have more then 1 line of text on a loop. not sure if cos its lite or just doenst do it.. no shortcode examples of how to do it anyway.. installed a plugin called typiong effect and literally sorted it in 10 mins…. crazy
Lasīt 1 atsauksmes

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“WP TypeIt Lite” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


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Izmaiņu žurnāls


  • Initial release.


  • Improve documentation.
  • Add unit testing for increased code reliability.
  • Fix bug causing camel-cased shortcode attributes to work improperly.


  • Improve code structure.
  • Make code more easily hookable for developers.


  • Update TypeIt’s source to v7.0.4.