Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

WP Visual Sitemap


Add a visual sitemap of your site’s pages, or of a menu, to any page on your website. Options available to add icons and choose the colour of the sitemap.


  • Main settings, with preview panel showing colour choices.
  • Page settings, where you can choose to exclude the page from the sitemap, and choose the icon to use.
  • Example of a sitemap displayed on the page.


  • Upload wp-visual-sitemap folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  • Customise the look and feel of the sitemap by going to Settings > WP Visual Sitemap.
  • In the page editor choose icon and whether to exclude the page from the sitemap.
  • You can override the sitemap’s CSS by creating a directory named ‘wp-visual-sitemap’ in your template with a stylesheet named wpvs-front-end.css. It’s advisable to copy the stylesheet from the plugin’s CSS directory, then make your changes.
  • Use the [wp_visual_sitemap] shortcode to display your sitemap!
  • Use the “menu” attribute to display a visual sitemap of a menu of your choice, e.g. [wp_visual_sitemap menu=”my menu”]


None yet!


25 februāris, 2020
No need to look at any other sitemap plugins. This is the one you want. Here’s a tip: You can include off-site pages in your sitemap by creating a WordPress page for the link (like ‘Facebook Page’ for example), and then creating a redirect from /facebook-page/ to the Facebook link. You can either use a redirect plugin for this or include the redirect in your htaccess file. Love it! Thank you developers!
Lasīt 3 atsauksmes

Autori un izstrādātāji

“WP Visual Sitemap” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


“WP Visual Sitemap” ir tulkots lokalizācijā 1. Paldies tulkotājiem par ieguldījumu.

Tulkot “WP Visual Sitemap&#8221 savā valodā.

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Izmaiņu žurnāls


  • Initial release


  • Fixed issue with default settings


  • Changed default to include all pages


  • Improved admin preview panel


  • Improvements to admin UI


  • Add menu functionality


  • Bug fix