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Inkspot FSE

Inkspot FSE

  • Versija 1.2
  • Last updated 19 decembris, 2023
  • Active installations 100+
  • PHP version 5.6

The Inkspot FSE is a free tattoo artists WordPress theme for tattoo artist, tattoo studios, piercing expert, beard dresser, hairdresser and other similar websites can use it best. This multipurpose theme is also suitable for tattoo salon, artist, barber, barbershop, beard, beauty business, hair, health, corporate, business, construction, travel, tour, hotel, coaching, education, restaurant, flower shop, doctor, gym, fitness, modelling, sports and medical. It is full site editing based. Hence, every aspect of this theme can be easily altered according to the requirements of the user. It is completely SEO-friendly, this feature will provide a good ranking to your website in the Google search engine. As this free tattoo artists WordPress theme is compatible with the WooCommerce builder plugin, running financial transactions with this theme will be completely effortless. It is completely multilingual and designed to be translation-ready. So, the language of your website can be readily translated into any language according to the choice of the viewers. Demo: https://gracethemesdemo.com/inkspot/


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Aktīvās instalācijas: 100+


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