Integrate Facebook Login button at login page, register page and comment form of your WordPress website in minutes
1. Plugin will not work on local server. You should have an online website for the plugin to function properly.
2. If you want to integrate Facebook Comments, you should install Fancy Comments
3. If you want to integrate Social Share icons, you should install Sassy Social Share
4. If you want to integrate Windows Live Login (Microsoft Login), WordPress login, Yahoo login, Spotify login, Dribbble login, Kakao login and Github login along with the Facebook login, you should install Heateor Social Login
5. If you want to integrate social share and social commenting along with social login you should install Super Socializer
Feature list
- GDPR Compliant
- Compatible with Gutenberg editor
- Integrate Facebook Login button at login page, register page and comment form
- Syncs user’s basic social profile data with WordPress profile
- Enable Social Login at WooCommerce checkout page and customer login form
- Syncs user’s basic social profile data with WooCommerce profile
- Use user’s social profile avatar as profile picture at your website
- Customizable login/post-registration redirection
- Widget and shortcode
- Compatible with BuddyPress, BBPress, WooCommerce
- Multisite Compatible
- Supports HTTPS enabled websites
- 24/7 quickest customer support
Detailed Overview:
Facebook Login
Enables users to login to your website via their Facebook account
Rapid signup/login: When using Social network for login, users do not need to type anything (most of the users are already logged into their social accounts). It helps in boosting signup/login rate at your blog.
Profile Data: User’s profile data will be saved in your blog database. This data also includes users’ email, enabling you to communicate with them.
Spam Reduction: Because social networks authenticate individuals and generally don’t allow multiple accounts, the likelihood of false identities and spammers goes down.
What makes this plugin different and why should I choose this plugin when there are many other social plugins?
- Free: Yea, right. It is a free plugin. You need not pay single penny to use the features of this plugin.
- No need to register anywhere: Unlike other third party Social plugins, you do not need to create an account at third party website.
- Absolutely Simple: Plugin configuration is kept dead simple. Screenshots are provided with options wherever required.
- Trendy Icon Theme: Trendy theme is used for Facebook login icon which also complies with Facebook branding guidelines.
- Optimal performance: Plugin just does what it’s supposed to do. It does not contain any tracking or advertisement scripts.
- We promise to provide best quality among other similar plugins. If you find our plugin is lacking some feature, you can email us and we will do our best to include that feature in our plugin as soon as possible.
- Our support team is working 24/7 to answer your queries and assist you. You will find us the quickest to respond.
Important links
Support Documentation | Add-ons
You can provide your feedback at hello[at]heateor[dot]com
Facebook Login – WordPress login form: Facebook Login button at WordPress login form Facebook Login – WordPress Comment form: Facebook Login button at WordPress Comment form Facebook Login – WooCommerce login form: Facebook Login button at WooCommerce login and register form Facebook Login – WooCommerce checkout page: Facebook Login button at WooCommerce checkout page
- Download the plugin from this page
- Navigate to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin section in your website admin panel
- Click Upload, click Choose file, upload the plugin zip and click Install Now button
- Activate the plugin when installation is complete
After installing and activating the plugin, you will see Facebook Login in the left sidebar in your website admin panel.
You can configure plugin by clicking Facebook Login
There is help available with each option. You can see the help text by clicking the (?) icon before each option.
Widgets and Shortcodes
- Navigate to the Widgets section in the Appearance menu.
- Look for the Heateor Facebook Login widget and click/drag these to add the widgets to the desired widget area on the right.
After adding the widget, you can customize it by changing the Title, Before widget content and After widget content options.
Display Social Login and Sharing interface on other pages
You can integrate Facebook Login anywhere in your website page/post content using Shortcode mentioned above.
What is this Facebook Login stuff and why would I need it?
Facebook Login enables your website users to login to your website using their existing accounts on Facebook.
Rapid signup/login: When using Social network for login, users do not need to type anything (most of the users are already logged into their social accounts). It helps in boosting signup/login rate at your blog.
Profile Data: User’s profile data will be saved in your blog database. This data also includes users’ email, enabling you to communicate with them.
Spam Reduction: Because social networks authenticate individuals and generally don’t allow multiple accounts, the likelihood of false identities and spammers goes down.
How much do you charge for the plugin?
This plugin is FREE to download and feel free to use it on your WordPress, BuddyPress, BBPress and any other WP based systems. For advanced features and custom solutions, drop an email at support[ at ]heateor[ dot ]com
Can you help me set up the plugin at my website?
Yes, we can help you with it. Just drop an email at support[ at ]heateor[ dot ]com
Autori un izstrādātāji
“Heateor Login – Social Login Plugin” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
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Izmaiņu žurnāls
1.1.9 [7 August 2023]
- [Improvement] Updated the Facebook API and SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 17.0
1.1.8 [3 June 2021]
- [Bugfix] Profile picture was not being deleted from the website when revoking the consent to save their personal data they granted when used social login
- [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.7 [2 June 2021]
- [New] Plugin now gives an option to the users at the profile page to revoke the consent to save their personal data they granted when used social login
- [Improvement] Compatible with PHP 8
1.1.6 [8 March 2021]
- [Bugfix] Social Avatar saved from Facebook login was appearing broken. Users need to login at least once via their Facebook account after this plugin-update to fix the broken social avatar
- [Improvement] Updated Facebook JS SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 10.0
- [Improvement] Removed dependency on PHP SESSIONS
- [New] Added wpml-config.xml file
1.1.5 [28 December 2020]
[Bugfix] Social Avatar saved from Facebook was appearing broken after the changes introduced by Facebook in the October. Users need to login at least once via their Facebook account after this plugin-update to fix the broken social avatar
[Improvement] Facebook login now doesn’t depend on the official PHP SDK for Facebook login
[Improvement] Updated Facebook JS SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 9.0
1.1.4 [15 November 2020]
- [New] Added a new option “Custom CSS” to speify custom CSS to load at the front-end
- [Bugfix] User was being redirected to the login page after using Facebook login in some cases
- [Improvement] Updated Facebook SDK being used throughout the plugin to version 8.0
1.1.3 [24 October 2020]
- [Important] Profile picture from Facebook is now being fetched via access token ensuring compatibility with the new Facebook changes
- [Improvement] Updated Facebook SDK being used throughout the plugin to version 8.0
- [Improvement] Updated Facebook PHP SDK to the latest version
- [New] Added a new column in the Users table in the admin area to delete the social profile data of the users who decide to revoke their consent they gave to save their personal data
- [Bugfix] (?) icons next to the options were not appearing at the plugin options page in the admin area
More details about what’s new here
1.1.2 [23 March 2020]
- [Improvement] Updated Facebook Login PHP SDK to the latest version
- [Improvement] Admin UI improvement
- [Improvement] Updated Facebook Logo to meet the new branding guidelines
1.1.1 [2 January 2020]
- [Improvement] Compatible with Social Login Buttons add-on
- [Improvement] Admin UI improvement
- [Bugfix] Facebook Login was being triggered even when GDPR opt-in was unchecked when it was enabled below the Facebook login button
1.1 [17 December 2019]
- [Bugfix] A new user was being created even if they already had an account at the website with the same email address
- [Improvement] Popup prompting users to enter their email is now optimized for mobile
- [New] Christmas surprise
1.0.3 [1 October 2019]
- [Bugfix] Fixed the link for Shortcode and Widget in “Shortcode & Widget” section at plugin options page
- [Improvement] Description of Heateor Facebook Login widget was not clear
- [Improvement] Removed unused attributes from the shortcode
1.0.2 [30 September 2019]
- [Bugfix] Plugin version was not being updated in “About” section at plugin options page
1.0.1 [30 September 2019]
- [New] Added options to integrate Facebook login icon with WooCommerce checkout, login and register forms
- [Bugfix] Bootstrap CSS was distorting the layout of webpage. Remove Bootstrap JS and CSS
- First release