Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.



This plugin allows references and citations in your posts. It’s only a beta version, so if you find issues or if you think it lacks some features, please contact me.

To use it, simply add your reference using a shortcode you can choose (‘jref’ by default), and a few attributes (always use lowercase):

  • title (mandatory)
  • author
  • date
  • url
  • editor
  • page
  • lang
  • readon

There are no specific controls on the content of those attributes, you may add any text you want. Only ‘title’ is mandatory. All attributes roles are easy to understand; ‘page’ is for a book (but can be used for any content), ‘readon’ is the date you last consult the reference.

Again, in this first release, there’s no specific control or action triggered by attribute’s content (like verifying the format, or linking to an archive site). Maybe in a future release…

A list of all references will be added at the end of the post.

Here are some examples:

  • [jref]url=http://geba.fr|date=janv 2017|title=The Title.|author=Janiko|lang=FR|editor=geba.fr|page=p.5[/jref]
  • [jref name=’numref’]url=http://geba.fr|date=janv 2017|title=The Title.|author=Janiko|lang=FR|editor=geba.fr|page=p.5[/jref]
  • [jref name=’numref’ /]

You can optionnaly add a name to the citation, so you can reuse it in your post. Important note: the displayed attributes will be the attributes of the FIRST reference with that name. Any other attribute will be ignored.


  • This is a very simple example with a reference used twice.


Just get the plugin and activate it. You can choose in the admin section the text of the shortcode you’ll use for your citations. By default it’s ‘jref’.

Remember that when you change it, all posts written with the old shortcode won’t be parsed anymore.


Let me know if you have some. I will add them here!

An answer to that question.


31 augusts, 2020
Want a Wikipedia “cite web” template style footnotes plugin on your WordPress blog? Janiko’s “JReferences” is your choice. JReferences supports named footnotes, and re-using any footnote up to 25 times, with neatly enumerated letter links to jump back to every single reference, just as we know it from the WikiMedia CMS. JReferences fully supports rich text in fields, beside its capability of generating a hyperlink from an article title and a URL provided as separate values. JReferences’ easy-to-customize “/wp-content/plugins/jreferences/class.jref-reference.php” source allows to add whatever field we may need, beyond disabling the “title” requirement. Generic (rich-text) footnotes are then also supported. JReferences may even be used alongside Mark Cheret’s “Footnotes” plugin set to “[1]”-style references, for a “Citations” section on top of the “Notes” list. JReferences may then be left as-is, and footnotes dispatched by simply using one or the other shortcode.
Lasīt 2 atsauksmes

Autori un izstrādātāji

“JReferences” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


Tulkot “JReferences&#8221 savā valodā.

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Tested with WordPress 5.0


Some formatting




First decent version


Correct encoding issues + 1 bug


  • Small CSS correction


  • Correction of default value


  • First public release
  • Minimalist settings and features but fully functionnal (I hope)