A helper plugin for [Masterpiece https://wordpress.org/themes/masterpiece/] theme.
- Post slider: An unique carousal type post slider. With 3 types of variant.
- Category slider: A responsive category slider with background image.
- Post widget: A post widget for siderbar with 3 variants.
- Social widget: A social widget with support of major social networks.
- Author widget: A simplestic author section with author image and social links.
- Demo Import: Supports two type of blog demo import for free.
Regular istallation process of any WordPress plugin will do.
- At least Firefox 12, Internet Explorer 9, Safari 6, Opera 12 or Chrome/Chromium 19
- PHP 5.2+ PHP 5.4+ (recommended)
- Minimum 5.2
- Recommended 5.4+
- Upto 7.3
Installation process
- Upload and install the plugin.
- Go to admin widget area.
- Use the MasterKit widget anywhere you like.
Congratulations you have done it!
Will I support the plugin?
Yes, I will support the plugin.
Does this work with other themes?
Yes, it works with every other standard theme.
Par šo spraudni nav atsauksmju.
Autori un izstrādātāji
“Master Kit” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
LīdzdalībniekiTulkot “Master Kit” savā valodā.
Vai jūs interesē attīstība?
Pārlūkojiet kodu, apmeklējiet SVN krātuvi vai abonējiet attīstības žurnālu, ko izveidojis RSS.
Izmaiņu žurnāls
1.0.1 (4 December, 2019)
- Two demo import data added
1.0.0 (1 December, 2019)
- Social widget
- Category carousel widget
- Post carousel widget
- Post sidebar widget
- Author widget
- & many more
0.0.2 (1 November, 2019)
- readme.txt fixed
- Asset loading issue fixed
- Design improved
0.0.1 (30 October, 2019)
- Initial Submission