Šī spraudnis nav atjaunināts vairāk kā divus gadus. Varbūt, tas vairs netiek uzturēts, nesaņemt atbalstu un tam var būt saderības problēmas ar jaunākām WordPress versijām.

Mobile CSS


This plugin allows you to define different CSS rules that get loaded into the page’s for specific devices.

Includes checks for 18 different tablet options and 13 different phone options.

This can be useful if you need to target specific phones or tablets to make CSS changes or show certain advertisements for certain devices.

For more options or if you feel like donating, check out the PRO version of Mobile CSS that is available for purchase.


  • The edit rule screen where you enter your CSS rules, and choose the device to target.


Drop into either your /mu-plugins/ directory, or your plugins directory and activate it.

  1. Upload the mobile-css directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or the /wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress (if placed in the the /wp-content/plugins/ directory)
  3. Create CSS rules (custom post type) and select what device they display for.


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Par šo spraudni nav atsauksmju.

Autori un izstrādātāji

“Mobile CSS” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.


Tulkot “Mobile CSS&#8221 savā valodā.

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Izmaiņu žurnāls


  • First Release.


  • Removed edit slug box as it’s not needed.


  • Upgraded Mobile Detection scripting to 2.6.9.