PS User Login Count plugin will help us to count the number of times the users logged into their WordPress account. Also it will show when last time the user logged in.
At first it may show ‘never’ or ‘no record found’ for all users. That’s because a user needs to login since the plugin was activated so that it could capture last login date and store it.
Key Features –
Show login count of users.
Sorting of login count in ascending & descending order.
Show users last login date & time.
Does it work with any theme?
Absolutely! WP Login Count will Works With Any Theme
Where it will show the login count?
It will show the login count in the seperate column in users list.
Where it will show the user’s last login date & time?
It will show the user’s last login date & time in the seperate column in users list just next to user login count column.
Does this plugin show when the user last time logged in ?
Yes. Absolutely !
Do this plugin have pro version which have more features ?
Actually, this is in progress. We are adding many features in this plugin, out of which some features will be available in free version while some will be in pro. Stay Tuned. For more info feel free to reach wordpress@plainsurf.com
Autori un izstrādātāji
“PS User Login Count” ir atvērtā pirmkoda programmatūra. Šo spraudni ir veidojuši šādi cilvēki.
LīdzdalībniekiTulkot “PS User Login Count” savā valodā.
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