Getting started
The WordPress Theme Directory is used by millions of WordPress users all over the world. Themes in the directory are available for download from, and WordPress users can also install them directly from their administration screens.
By hosting your theme on, you’ll get:
- Statistiku par to, cik reizes jūsu tēma ir lejupielādēta
- lietotāju atsauksmes forumos,
- vērtējumus, kas parādīs lietotāju attieksmi pret jūsu tēmu.
The goal of the Theme Directory isn’t to host every theme in the world, it’s to host the best open source WordPress themes around. izvietotās tēmas nodrošina tādu pašu lietotāja brīvību kā WordPress. Tas nozīmē, ka tēmas ir 100% GPL vai ar to saderīgas.
Guidelines & resources
To ensure that WordPress users are guaranteed a good experience, every theme in the directory is reviewed by the Themes team. Your theme will have the best chance of being approved if you:
- Read the theme review guidelines and follow the submission requirements.
- Test your theme using the Theme Unit Test data before you upload and submit.
For more theme development resources, check out the Theme Developer Handbook. For specific questions, please use the Themes and Templates forum.